Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Comments on this Blog

From now on you must register with a User ID and password in order to respond on this blog. It should only take a minute. There is at least one person that has abused the "anonymous" title. Please take a few moments to register for I still value your comments and participation on this site.


Anonymous said...

I don't personally practice or promote a lent season, but I do value fasting and prayer. I know how to have differences in a loving manner.

I feel sorry for the person who resorts to anonymous attacks as happened on your blog. They, above all, are to be pitied. Their lack of compassion bears no evidence of the Spirit's fruit.

By the way, this is jross.

Josh Graves said...

Lent...isn't that for Catholics?

Josh Ross said...

You are too much, bro. Thanks for the morning humor.

jenlowe said...

The real question is where is your focus-on yourself or Jesus. The comment that the other anonymous person made(not Anon.#1) about how some people observe Lent maybe valid for a few but not for all. I know many people who use the Lenten season to renew their growth in the Lord. I have learned a lot by observing and participating in activities during Lent and encourage others to do so.

Josh Graves said...

I was being serious.

Josh Ross said...

Graves, seriously, don't make me fly up to Detroit!