Friday, May 23, 2008


Check out this story from Bono:
--On September 1, 2001, when U2 took the stage among 80,000 fans in the grassy amphitheater at Slane Castle in Ireland’s County Meath, they did so in a place of rich and frightful Irish history. Here in the Boyne Valley megalithic tombs predate the pyramids. Nearby is Tara, the seat of Ireland’s ancient high kings. Ireland’s heroes, St. Patrick and Cuchuilain, are remembered for their exploits here, as is the 1680 battle that fueled the long-standing animosity between Irish Catholics and Protestants.
Right here, in early September 2001, with eerie prescience of a massive atrocity that would turn the world toward a long season of violence just ten days later, Bono and the band take aim at Irish violence. At the close of the song “Sunday, Bloody Sunday,” a rant against the Omagh bombing that killed 29 people in a Northern Ireland market, Bono chants, one by one, the names of those killed and works to unmask the ideological gridlock behind not only this atrocity but every other atrocity like it.
This is rock and roll that cuts through masks and bleeds red the passion of the heart, saying to a world too often shrouded by lies that we are no longer willing to live inside your falsehoods.
If rock and roll can do this, how much more must our preaching?

--From Chris Erdman's Countdown to Sunday

May the gospel of Jesus Christ unmask us today, and lure us into the belief that His power can tear down strongholds that exist in this world.

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