Expressing passion for Jesus, His Kingdom,family, sports,and life.
I'm wondering what blog address you've come up with. :-)
Hurry up. I miss it.
Me, too
You just don't understand how many blog addicts you're leaving without a fix!!!!
I hope to have the new blog up and running today. Thanks for all the love.
hurry up broit better have a picture of Kayci from Christian Chronicle on it
Josh,You had an awesome sermon yesterday. I always enjoy your blog.Jeff
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I'm wondering what blog address you've come up with. :-)
Hurry up. I miss it.
Me, too
You just don't understand how many blog addicts you're leaving without a fix!!!!
I hope to have the new blog up and running today. Thanks for all the love.
hurry up bro
it better have a picture of Kayci from Christian Chronicle on it
You had an awesome sermon yesterday. I always enjoy your blog.
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