Monday, September 15, 2008


Yesterday, I preached on discipleship from Luke 5:1-11.

For the most part, we have been more conversion-driven than disciple-driven. Youth ministers can come home from church camps and retreats and they can tell you exactly how many kids were baptized. Preachers can preach revivals and they can tell you exactly how many people came to the Lord.
I celebrate with them, but here is what I want to know--how many of those kids/people are making steps to deepen their faith 3 weeks after the camp/revival? How many mentors have risen up to walk with these new converts on this journey of faith?

We get people wet and then what...indoctrinate them?

I'm convinced that Jesus calls us to pour even more time and energy into people after baptism than we do before baptism.

What do we need to do in order to become people who are in the business of making disciples?


Anonymous said...

Perhaps the reason we're not very good at making disciples is because we were never taught (or never wanted to learn) to be disciples ourselves. Asking the question "what do we need to do become people who are in the business of making disciples?" operates under the assumption that the people making the disciples are themselves disciples. I think we may have gone so long without discipleship being a focus that there may not be many out there with the experience to do the making.

Josh said...

1. Read the four gospels to discover what it means to BE a disciple. Then be rigorously honest with ourselves about whether or not this describes us. Get a clear definition of "disciple" and refuse to let it be vague.

2. Cast a vision of discipleship (lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus) in a compelling way and lay out simple strategies for following the Way in everyday life.

3. Read everything Dallas Willard has written on making disciples. Start discussion groups in the church, especially among the leaders.

There ya go...three points (sorry there's no poem)